
January 30, 2013

auckland city tepid baths

The biggest reason why Anasazi Girl is docked at Hobson West Marina is because Auckland City's Tepid Baths is located one block away.  Tormentina and Raivo lead the way on their scooters and we arrive at the pools within minutes of stepping off of the boat.  It is an easy exercise without the stress of getting into a car, strapping three kids into three car seats and dealing with parking.

The Tepid Baths, which originally opened in 1914, has recently undergone a NZD15.8 million renovation and redevelopment.  It has been beautifully restored and is the cleanest aquatic facility we have been to since soaking in the geothermal pools in Iceland.

When we are underway on Anasazi Girl and the kids want to be on deck or in the cockpit, then they are in full body harnesses and are clipped into the boat.  When we are in port and on the docks, the kids do not wear PFDs all the time.  Raivo has fallen off the dock into the water twice. Tormentina has fallen in three times.  We have been lucky, but we're tired of worrying about them drowning.

It has been our goal to get them in the water every single day so they can work on strengthening their swimming. We are teaching them ourselves and they are making huge breakthroughs.

In December the Viaduct Marina installed hard wired internet to many of the power plinths, so there is free high-speed internet for many berth holders.  As a result, we have been able to stream swim lesson videos, free diving videos, and competitive swimming footage from the 2012 London Olympics, which has been a useful tool for helping the kids progress.

Raivo in the learner's pool at Auckland City's Tepid Baths.

January 27, 2013

January 20, 2013

cytoplasm, by phil price

Artist: Phil Price, 2004
Location: Waitemata Plaza, Viaduct Basin, Auckland
Materials: Carbon fiber, glass fiber, high temperature epoxy, precision bearings, stainless steel
Sponsor: Auckland City Sculpture Trust

Phil Price's kinetic work is one of the most popular on the Viaduct walkway. It comprises 16 pod-like discs that move both individually and collectively in the wind. No two views of the work are the same, and herein lies much of Cytoplasm's attraction. / Auckland City Council (Public art on the waterfront).

More work by Phil here:

cytoplasm, by phil price (2003)

cytoplasm, by phil price (2003)

January 12, 2013

greenpeace rainbow warrior III, auckland

This morning, we went out on Andy Ball's Sea Harmony and joined a flotilla of boats to welcome the Rainbow Warrior III to the Port of Auckland.  She is a state of the art, purpose-built motor assisted sailing yacht owned by Greenpeace.

Rangitoto Channel, Auckland Harbour

Commemorates the sinking of the anti-nuclear protest ship Rainbow Warrior
at Marsden Wharf by French Government agents on July 10, 1985.
"Let the World be Nuclear Free"
Quay Street, Auckland

January 4, 2013

hobson west marina, viaduct harbour, auckland

Raivo grooving to the tunes of Bob Dylan
Hobson West Marina, Viaduct Harbour, Auckland

January 3, 2013

north wharf & wynyard quarter, auckland waterfront

North Wharf & Wynyard Quarter, Auckland Waterfront
Detail:  Metallic Sunscreen Leaves
ASB Head Office, Jellicoe Street, Wynyard Quarter
Sustainable building designed by BVN in association with Jasmax.