
March 29, 2014

natural toys of the sea

Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Beagle Channel, Puerto Williams
Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)

puerto williams, isla navarino

Puerto Williams, Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)
Flight of Seeds & Feather
Raivo at age 3, Puerto Williams, Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)

March 21, 2014

dientes de navarino

View from Anasazi Girl at the Club Naval de Yates Micalvi
Puerto Williams, Isla Navarino - CHILE (March 2014)

puerto williams, isla navarino - chile

We are currently in Puerto Williams on Isla Navarino, Chile.  With the generous help of AerovĂ­as DAP, the five of us flew from the city of Punta Arenas to Puerto Williams. On arrival, we moved back on board Anasazi Girl and were tied alongside the Chilean Navy rescue vessel Sibbald for three nights before getting moved to the Club Naval de Yates Micalvi.

Commander Juan Soto, Lieutenant Javier Germain and the crew of Sibbald gave us a warm and generous welcome.  Jorge Montenegro, the Commanding Officer of the Beagle Naval District and Maritime Governor of Puerto Williams has also given our family an incredible welcome to the beautiful Island of Navarino.  Montenegro is the man who pushed the "Go" button that launched the rescue mission.

James and I are preparing an accident report explaining in detail the events leading up to the dismasting and the subsequent events after involving the rescue by the Armada de Chile.

Thanks to all our friends and family around the world who have sent us messages of love and concern. A million thanks to the Armada de Chile, the Chilean government, the US Navy, US Consulate General, and all of the Chilean Navy personnel who risked their lives to make this a successful rescue & salvage mission.