
July 16, 2013

night scene on anasazi girl

Even though winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere has recently passed, the nights are still cold and the dark comes quite early in Auckland.  Yesterday morning there there was frost chilling my bare feet when I went to wash the dishes on dock.

During the day, I took the kids to the Auckland Art Gallery and the Central City Library while James did some work on the sails at the loft.  I was reminded how fast they are growing when my 5 year old daughter led the entire way there from memory on her scooter.  Just a few months ago, making a trip like that from the Viaduct on foot was quite an endeavor with three kids, but now it seems pretty effortless.

R & T drawing and writing on the port side berth above the water ballast tanks.
Not too long ago, they could both sit up in this space.  Both kids digging their headlamps from BD.
Steam forming on the port light above them as I cook dinner.
Anasazi Girl, Viaduct Harbour - AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND  (July 2013)

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