
October 30, 2013

wharf kids

Princes Wharf
Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)
Karanga Plaza, Viaduct Harbour.
Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013) 
Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour
Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)
Halsey Street Wharf
Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)
Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour
Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

October 29, 2013

bark europa

Bark Europa
Waitemata Harbour, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

Bark Europa
Waitemata Harbour, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

October 27, 2013

gamming with the bark europa

Eric Kesteloo, Master of the Dutch tall ship Bark Europa.
Crew's Quarters, Bark Europa - Queens Wharf - Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

To Gam:  When two ships heave to, side by side, to allow the masters a chance to converse at sea.

I followed the "gam" between James and Eric - first time they have crossed paths in seven years.  Same boats, but a different port.  They discussed the constant movement of the Bark Europa circumnavigating the globe, leaving hardly any time for the dry-dock.  They laughed about the change of Anasazi Girl from a solo boat into one for a family of five.  Topping it off, James gave him a big congratulations on taking names and kicking ass on the tall ships' Sydney to Auckland race.  First to cross the line? Bark Europa!  The words put a big smile on Eric's face.

Until we meet again...  With luck it will be in the Beagle Channel in the new year.


The tall ships are in town.  Dutch sailor Laura Dekker knocked on Anasazi Girl's hull Saturday morning to invite us to walk in the parade with the crew members of the Dutch tall ship. The parade started in the Viaduct, next to our boat, on Hobson's Wharf.  It was a festive sight of flags, ribbons, banners, colorful costumes, sailors and pirates.  Our kids added their own style, excitement, and flair to the salty dog affair.

As we stood in the line-up among the crowd, James said to me that he had a feeling he knew someone in the parade.  It wasn't until we arrived at Queens Wharf and saw the Bark Europa that he realized that he had been aboard the tall ship before in 2006.  It was while stopped in Cape Town on his solo voyage.  Back then, he met a long-haired captain named Eric and they talked about the sea.  He wondered if Eric was still on board.

When the ship opened later in the afternoon for Auckland visitors, James cut to the front and somehow charmed his way onto the boat without waiting in the endless line that extended along the wharf.  In between talking to my kids, I heard the phrases, "Sex and sailing," "Sea captains, bars & whiskey", "Back then single" and "Look at me now with my three kids!".

The kids were suddenly inside, sipping a saloon soda while we talked to the barman who was from Perth.  Before Bark Europa, he had worked on the STS Leeuwin II, the same ship that James had spent one night aboard in Albany after he had broken his mast south of Cape Leeuwin in 2007.

Next we were in the crew's quarters where James was reunited with Eric, the same captain he had shared a glass of whiskey with seven years ago in Cape Town.  So cool for him to see a familiar face in a different port of the world.

Bark Europa heads next to the Falklands, South Georgia, Cape Horn and Antarctica.  It would be a real treat to see them again when we rock up to Puerto Williams.

MORE INFO: Bark Europa

October 7, 2013

kids on wheels

Runaway Scooter  - Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour.
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

 Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour.
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

Seriously styling   - Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour.
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

 Te Wero Island, Viaduct Harbour.
Auckland, NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

October 6, 2013

mo's bar auckland

Bellies up to the bar, my two oldest drinking Shirley Temples on a Tuesday night at Mo's Bar.
Corner of Federal & Wolf, Auckland CBD - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

ALWAYS when we come here, James tells the kids the story of us being in love and sitting at the same bar stools back in the day.

Red velvet curtains, music, & tasty cocktails by our favorite barman Oliver Crosbie.  The bar is tiny and has a Cuban theme - black & white prints of Guevara, Castro, & Hemingway on the walls.  Our first time living in Auckland, we used to drink mojitos here on Friday nights.  Riding our skateboards downhill back to the Viaduct afterward was always easy street.

This is one of the very special places in the world where we fell in love. 

Thanks to Greg Frame & Sujata Subramanian for introducing us to this little hole in the wall gem.

springtime new zealand

Victoria Park, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)
Victoria Park, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

Victoria Park, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

risk management

Pearl at 9 months old is in full crawling/standing mode as she explores every nook and cranny on the boat.  Time to be vigilant to keep her safe.

Down below she can easily climb in and out of the berths, over the beams, and through the escape hatch into the transom where the pilots are mounted. High danger in the galley now that she can pull herself up to the stove.  The companionway steps are also a big hazard as she regularly attempts to climb up and out solo.  Also time to keep an eye on all the switches down low and within reach of her little hands.  Up above it's a full time harness to keep her from crawling up on the side decks where we have life lines but no netting up.

It's wonderful and brings back memories of Raivo at the same age when we first moved onto the boat but much less stressful now with two years' experience living aboard with kids.

Viaduct Harbour Marina, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (September 2013)
Viaduct Harbour Marina, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (September 2013)

Pearl here is in serious ninja mode on her quest for food.
Viaduct Harbour Marina, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (September 2013)

Double fisting the cold pasta.
Viaduct Harbour Marina, Auckland - NEW ZEALAND (September 2013)