
October 6, 2013

mo's bar auckland

Bellies up to the bar, my two oldest drinking Shirley Temples on a Tuesday night at Mo's Bar.
Corner of Federal & Wolf, Auckland CBD - NEW ZEALAND (October 2013)

ALWAYS when we come here, James tells the kids the story of us being in love and sitting at the same bar stools back in the day.

Red velvet curtains, music, & tasty cocktails by our favorite barman Oliver Crosbie.  The bar is tiny and has a Cuban theme - black & white prints of Guevara, Castro, & Hemingway on the walls.  Our first time living in Auckland, we used to drink mojitos here on Friday nights.  Riding our skateboards downhill back to the Viaduct afterward was always easy street.

This is one of the very special places in the world where we fell in love. 

Thanks to Greg Frame & Sujata Subramanian for introducing us to this little hole in the wall gem.

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