
June 6, 2014

fjords & channels of chile/argentina

Beagle Channel Approaching Ushuaia, ARGENTINA (May 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Took a ride on the Chilean Navy vessel ISAZA through the Chilean fjords from Puerto Williams to Punta Arenas.  What a gift for my family to see these mountains of ice, snow and granite.  Can never get enough of this very special part of the world.

Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)
Brazo Noroeste, Fjords of CHILE (June 2014)

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