
December 6, 2015

tramites for anasazi ltda.

Tramites, tramites, tramites... After 17 months of forms, we are starting to understand the trail of paperwork that is typically involved with doing business in Chile. Notaries, lawyers, tax offices, signatures, stamps, fingerprints, etc., as we finalize the paperwork needed for our Chilean LLC, Anasazi Ltda., which allows us to work legally in Chile. Opening the doors to work opportunities in Chile puts us one step closer to getting the new rig.

This last round of paperwork meant taking the whole family off the island on a DAP Airlines twin otter to Punta Arenas. Thanks to Gobernación Provincial de Antártica Chilena office in Puerto Williams for providing our family with government subsized transport off the island.

My three musketeers are always excited beyond belief to do anything outside of the daily norm.

On the tarmac at Guardia Marina Zañartu Airport
Isla Navarino - CHILE / XII Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (octubre de 2015)
Boarding Aerovías DAP's twin otter plane at Guardia Marina Zañartu Airport
Isla Navarino - CHILE / XII Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (octubre de 2015)
Navarino scape seen from the sky.
Isla Navarino - CHILE / XII Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (octubre de 2015)

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