
January 14, 2016

return to navarino

16 intensive days on the mainland... By the beginning of November 2015 (after 17 months of paperwork), we completed the last of our tramites in Punta Arenas, and our 100% foriegn owned Chilean LLC was officially initialized with the tax office of Sii. Great timing, just before the start of the summer season, to legally operate our new marine service business Anasazi Ltda. in Puerto Williams.

This milestone, combined with an agreement with Capitán de Navío Patricio Espinoza Sapunar (Naval Commander of the Beagle District & Maritime Governor of Puerto Williams) for James to work at the Micalvi Yacht Club in trade for our shipwreck moorage, put us in a better position to raise the remaining funds for our mast than we were a year before.

In between offices & paperwork we took a whirlwind road-trip with American film-maker Sam Greenfield (OBR for the 2014/15 VOR) between the cities of Punta Arenas, Puerto Natales, Puerto Prat, Puerto Consuelo, Rio Verde, and El Chalten. We shot footage, briefly reconnected with old friends & retrieved a canoe that we had left at the head park ranger's house at Parque Nacional Los Glaciares (Argentina) just before we began sailing as a family on Anasazi Girl.

After a bumpy, windy ride on DAP's twin otter, our tramite road trip came to an end, returning us home for late spring and the early summer season on Navarino Island.

Strong wind & rainbows on our bumpy approach in the Twin Otter back to Navarino.
Isla Navarino - CHILE / XII Región de Magallanes y de la Antártica Chilena (noviembre de 2015)

1 comment:

  1. Wish you good luck for your enterprise. (My wife, a freelance medic, and also I in my job, we made the experience, doing a good service, gets around; and rises new clients.)
