
January 9, 2017

stieglitz inspired clouds

Shooting clouds & thinking about Alfred Stieglitz, photography, and falling in love.

When I first met James 11 years ago, the topic of our 23 year age difference was discussed. At that time, I was 28 and he was 51. He jokingly assured me that he had the mentality of an 18 year old.

On a more serious note, he said to me, "Do you know the photographer Alfred Stieglitz?"

"Yes, of course." I answered, thinking about the series of cloud images that Stieglitz had made. He was one of the photographers who had inspired me to start shooting.

Then James asked, "Are you familiar with the artist Georgia O'Keeffe?"

"Yes," I said.

"Did you know that Stieglitz and O'Keeffe were lovers?"

I remembered seeing a few Steiglitz portraits of O'Keeffe, but did not realize they were intimate. I shook my head no.

"Well, they were," he said. "They had 23 years between them and they had a historical love affair."

After this conversation I looked at all the images Stieglitz made of O'Keeffe. In the days of film and silver gelatin prints, he had made over 300 portraits of her. I was sold.

Sunrise from Aurelo Rozas
Puerto Natales, Provincia de Última Esperanza, Region XII CHILE (abril de 2016)
Sunrise Aurelio Rozas
Puerto Natales, Provincia de Última Esperanza, Region XII CHILE (abril de 2016)

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