
August 1, 2018

celebrate! punta del este

After almost three years in the extreme southern tip of South America, my kids were ecstatic to be in the warmer waters of Uruguay. In port, we celebrated our return to freedom as sailors on the water and made preparations for the completion of our circumnavigation with a sail plan to go non-stop from Uruguay to the Caribbean. 

We arrived in the city just after the peak tourism season in Punta del Este, and there was space for us on the docks and a tranquil scene on the peninsula.

Thumba-Perla. Pearl on the sculpture "La Mano" (aka "Los dedos") de Punta del Este"
by Chilean Artist Mario Irarrázabal (1982, concrete & plastic reinforced with steel).
Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Ahhhh. flowers. Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Collection. Shells from the Atlantic side of Punta del Este.
Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Landfall celebration dance. Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Dune jumpers.
Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Dune jumper. Playa Brava, Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Collection from the Río de la Plata side of Punta del Este.
Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)
Collection from the Río de la Plata side of Punta del Este.
Punta del Este / Maldonado Department / URUGUAY (March 2017)

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